Our modern Single cut design with neck through body construction. A real masterpiece – in every sense!
The Fargo Shape
For years we worked on our single-cut design and improved every single aspect again and again until it became the Fargo. Single-cut neck through constructions are an own world in regard to response, sustain and punch. The built is extremely costy so the Fargo is available as Full Custom Voice only.
Full Custom Voice Series
Our highest level of tone customization, voice design and overall individualization – take it to the limit and your bass takes you there, too.
All options to customer preferences
(Shape, Wood, Components)
Incl. Torillo “Bitten”/”Traditional” HS
Starting from
3500 € Shevette (4 string)
3650 € Phönix (4 string)
3800 € Volta (4 string)
4700 € Fargo (4 string)
5400 € Jayme Lewis Signature (5 string)
+150 each add. string
+200 € for Torillo Toneshaper Preamp